Sunday, July 18, 2010

Trader Joe's Love

So, last night we had some friends over for a BBQ. Their 8 year old son proclaimed out burgers THE BEST HE'S EVER EATEN!! This shocked my husband and I because his parents are seriously AMAZING cooks themselves. We served Chicken Burger's from Trader Joe's. They are pre-cooked, so just heat and eat! We topped them with a cheese slice and used some of those new sand which rounds instead of buns to make them a little healthier!

We also served this Avocado Salsa Verde from Trader Joe's. This stuff is so good it should be illegal, seriously! It is just the perfect blend of avocados, lime, and green tomatoes...soooo good! I confess that once I ate half the bottle, and then decided that I would just polish off the whole darn thing and call it dinner! I ate it with baked tortilla chips though, so it was healthy, ha :)We love Trader Joe's at our house and am always looking to try something new. What are some of your favs from TJs?

Hi there!! *waves confidantly*

Hi everyone! I have always wanted to do a blog...and now that I am probably at the busiest time of my life, here I am finally doing it! Why you might ask? I feel like this will be my little "me" time if you will. I absolutely adore being a mommy to my (almost always) fabulous 9 month baby boy, but I sometimes feel like "I" get lost in the daily shuffle. The transition from a full-time stylish working design consultant, to a round-the-clock mommy has been a huge eye-opener and lifestyle change. Let me tell you, nothing changes your life in a second like the birth of your child. Everything you know, and have known all along, changes in that moment. Your priorities change, your outlook on life changes, and your heart seems to grow ten-fold right then and there.

The first few months, I'm not going to lie, I spend in baggy sweats, dirty hair, and spit up on my shoulder. Now I am making a concentrated effort to try to recoup a little of the "Old Amy" back. Or better, yet, how about the "new and improved" Amy while I'm at it!

Part of this whole getting my groove back prompted me to join Stella & Dot. Have you heard of this amazing company? They make the most fashion forward, breathtakingly beautiful, line of jewelry EVER. When my Aunt Lynnie (yes, I call her Aunt Lynnie...always have, always will!) started selling it last year I looked online and immediately wanted All OF IT!! It's the kind of brand that you see, and then want to instantly be a part of because you want to epitomize that confidant, glamorous, and fun lifestyle that they portray. Now I'm not saying that a pretty necklace will change your life, but really, I have found that since I have been wearing and selling Stella & Dot, I have felt more pulled together and stylish. I think that when you know that you are wearing nice, on-trend accessories you carry yourself better and feel pretty...even if you still have a little spit up on your shoulder!!

So there you have me...I hope you stay tuned, and share with me your style inpiration, so that we can be sweet stylish mommies together!